Training in Cold Weather

There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing

Alfred Wainwright, A Coast to Coast Walk

There’s still a few more months of winter weather ahead of us, so it’s important that all athletes turn up to training in suitable attire. Athletes who aren’t suitably prepared for the conditions may be asked to sit out the session.

Here’s a useful guide for what to wear for a training night and bearing in mind that the temperatures drop quite quickly at Dalkeith Campus, you want to consider what the temperature might be at the end of your session and not just the start.

If you have any spikes, club kit or training kit that have outgrown or no longer use please consider donating them to the club so that they can be used by other club members or when athletes are caught off-guard by the weather conditions. Donations can be handed to Leigh Miller who is at the track most nights.

Please ensure that all kit is clean and dry and if you have any requests for an item, please let us know and we can see what we can do.

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