Training Over Festive Period

As you will see from an earlier post there are no club training nights now until the 06 January 2014 (unless arranged with your coach – see earlier post). However, there are some races just after the New Year so we are going to hold a couple of sessions over the festive break for the endurance squad. These sessions will be on the following dates:

10.00 am on Saturday 28 December 2013 – Braidburn Park
(Greenbank Road End, Opposite the Garage)

10.00 am on Thursday 02 January 2014 – Ironmills Park, Dalkeith

If anyone has any questions then please contact:

Linda Smith – 07833 667489 (M) or 0131 663 5877 (H)

Kirk Smith  – 07805 107857  (M) or 0131 663 5877 (H)

Dave Hand – 0131 663 0434

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and hope to see you on 28th!      


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