Club Development Officer – Harry Baird

We are delighted to introduce our new Club Development Officer (CDO), Harry Baird, to Lasswade AC. He has kindly supplied the short bio below so please drop him a message to welcome him to the club.

My name is Harry Baird and I stay in Stenhousemuir near Falkirk. I am married to Beth who is a Health Visitor and we have two kids, Emily 29 and Fraser 26, well we still call them our kids!

I got involved with athletics in 2005 years ago when Fraser joined Falkirk Vic’s. I joined their committee and spent a spell as their President. I also got involved in Track Officiating early on (so some will recognise me from that).

I was fortunate to be selected as an Official for Glasgow 2014 CG and I still enjoy getting soaked almost every weekend of the summer! 

When the Club Together project was launched in 2012 Falkirk were in the first wave of clubs to sign up, and I was appointed their CTO. I left this role in 2020 to allow fresh eyes to look at how best to progress matters further for the club. In 2014 I also became CTO for Forth Valley Flyers which is a disability specific club. In 2020 I was appointed to the same position for Corstorphine AC and I am still kept busy with both these clubs. So, as you can see I am well versed in the problems and challenges clubs face.

I am looking forward to helping Lasswade continue their exciting journey and already have had discussions with Keith who has outlined my priorities for the first period. My role is only six hours per week and is fully focused on helping the club with its admin, including reviewing club policies. Yes, it sounds slightly dull but they are vital in ensuring our club functions properly and our members are kept safe, supported and informed.
So now you know a little about me please feel free to drop me an email and introduce yourself. Just outline what you currently do within the club – athlete, coach, volunteer…. or what you would like to do. Then when meet in person I will have some background.

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Club Hoodies

The deadline for ordering club hoodies in time for Christmas is Sunday 4th December. Ordering details can be found here

We also have a limited number of these great Lasswade AC 40th Anniversary cups available for only £5 – makes a great stocking filler!

Get in touch if you’d like one.

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Lasswade Cross Country 30th October

The first Lasswade Open Cross Country event since pre-covid took place on Sunday 30th October at Gore Glen in Gorebridge. The weather was mild and dry and looked promising at 9.30am when the course was being set up, fast forward a few hours and the rain arrived in time for the first few races!

U11 Girls race gets underway in heavy rain

The first race of the day was the u11 girls with 27 girls in the field and 13 different clubs represented. The race at the front of the field was won by Hannah Inman of Central Athletic Club. The race for second was a close affair with Willow Smith of Springburn Harriers pipping Abbie Boyle of Law and District for second but both girls being given the same time.

The numbers in the u11 boys race were a bit lower with 20 boys in the field but again there was a fair representation of different clubs including one athlete from Lochaber Athletic Club. This was another close finish with Evan Tyler of Giffnock North just pipping Blake Burchill of Harmeny AC for first and Finlay Hamilton also of Giffnock North finishing in third place.

In the u13 girls race Skye Robertson of Falkirk Victoria Harriers came out on top with Beth McWilliam of host club Lasswade AC second and Dionne Maguinness of Airdrie Harriers in third place.

The next race was the u13 boys with Josh Cooper of Haddington Running Club coming home first followed by Shae McGovern of Airdrie Harriers in second and Francis Ovanni- Finnegan of Lasswade AC in third place.

Francis Ovanni-Finnegan – 3rd place U13, first Lasswade athlete

There was yet another close race in the u15 girls race with Nancy Corrie of Harmeny AC in first with Millie Gairn of Airdrie Harriers just a second behind with Airdrie clubmate Eihlinn Gillespie in third place.

The u15 boys race was a battle of the east clubs with Team East Lothian coming out on top with winner Howie Allison. He was followed by Dan McGuire of Harmeny AC and Dylan Daunt of Edinburgh AC in third.

U17 and U20 women’s race

The u17 and u20 women ran together and they were next to go. Jessica Inglis of Law and District was our race winner followed by Lasswade AC athlete Olivia Meikle. Ariane Baillie of Pitreavie AAC came home in third place.

In the u17 men it was a battle between two Lasswade athletes Andrew McWilliam and Rowan Taylor. Andrew came out on top with a clear win followed by Rowan in second and Ryan Kellock of Law and District in third place.

Lasswade’s U17 Men winning team
Sam Kitchin, Andrew McWilliam and Rowan Taylor

Lasswade AC athlete Lauren Dickson was home for the weekend from university and was our first lady in the women’s race. In second place was Reagan Binnie of Law and District with Susan Ridley of Edinburgh AC in third place.

The men’s race was the biggest field of the day with fifty athletes in the race. It had a bit of international flavour with Spanish athlete Jose Miguel Gomez Garcia competing. Leading the men home was Livingston and District athlete Logan Beagley followed by Jose running unattached and Andrew Ferguson of Corstorphine finishing in third place.

Men’s race winner, Logan Beagley of Livingston & District AC

Thanks to all of the clubs that supported this event. It was nice to see good numbers from a few clubs from the west of Scotland. We hope that everyone enjoyed it,

On the whole numbers were disappointing so we need to look at how we can try to increase numbers for the event next year.

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National Short Course Cross Country Championships – Kirkcaldy – 05/11

The National Short Course Cross Country Championships took place in Kirkcaldy this weekend with sixteen Lasswade AC athletes competing. This is short and fast cross country race. This course was on undulating parkland, there had been some rain so there were a few muddy/slippy sections on the 2km loop.

The first race of the day was the u15 girls and Lasswade AC had four girls in the race. The race over 2.5km was fast and furious and our first finisher was Freya Mowbray who had been well placed throughout the race and finished inside the top 10 in 8th place. Team mate Bethan Kitchin was our 2nd counter coming home in 26th place. This was a big field with 102 finishers and Eloise Scott was our next athlete home in 65th place. Abbie Foster completed the Lasswade runners finishing in 92nd place. A good start to the days events.

The u15 boys was the next race and we had two boys in the race. Lawrence Ward led our boys home with a solid run to finish in 20th place out of the field of 85. Ruairidh Wood who has been training with our sprints group in recent months decided to enter this cross country race and finished in 79th place.

Lawrence Ward in a sprint to the finish line!

Olivia Meikle and Skye Foster were our two athletes in the u17 women’s race which was run over 3km. Olivia was first home with a strong run in 12th place with Skye a bit further back in 64th place.

In the u17 men’s race we had three athletes, Andrew McWilliam, Rowan Taylor and Will Heatlie. Andrew was at the top end of the field but part of the way round the course he got his heel caught by an athlete behind him pulling his shoe off his heel. Andrew continued to run with his shoe half on but eventually lost it completely on the run in to finish in 14th place. Rowan Taylor was next home, he had started more conservatively working his way through the field to finish in 34th place. Will Heatlie continuing to improve completed our team finishing in 77th place.

We had no women competing for Lasswade on the day but Sarah Tait running for Stirling University had a solid run to finish in 13th place.

The final race of the day was the Men’s race and we had two athletes Christian Graham and Andrew McGlone. Christian set off with the main group but as little gaps began to appear towards the start of the second 2k lap he slipped back a few places. Christian still had a solid run to finish inside the top 10 in 9th place. Andrew McGlone was 254th overall and 37th male over 50.

For full results please click here

Congratulations to all the athletes on their performances.

Photo courtesy of Bobby Gavin.

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Lasswade XC 2022 Results

Huge thanks to all who turned out to compete at the Lasswade XC today. Bigger thanks to all the volunteers who made it happen! After 3 years since our last cross country, the course needed a bit more prep than usual so thank you to those who spent their weekends preparing the course in the lead up on and on the day.

As always, thanks to the officials and marshals for making the races happen. Lasswade would also like to thank Aniston Rangers, our sponsors John Noble Electrical Contractors, Kristofferson Carpets and Persimmon Homes.

Issues with the downpour before the races commence meant we may have some technical issues with photos but hopefully will have some available soon.

See you all again for more mud and rain next year!

(Results updated on 12/11/2022 with age groups and Team winners)

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Lasswade XC Course Map

Sunday, 30th October 2022

The course map for Sunday’s Lasswade XC is below…. Not entered yet? There’s still time… and also entries on the day for a small premium.

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National Cross Country Relays – 22/10 Cumbernauld

The National Cross Country Relay Championships took place this weekend at Cumbernauld. It was a mild and dry start when we pitched the tent awaiting for the arrival of the athletes, however it wasn’t too long before the rain started. It then rained for the majority of the races making the already wet and heavy course muddy and marshy.

The first race of the day was the young females and our first runner was Beth McWilliam. Beth seemed to set of tentatively but ran a great race to work her way through the field and hand over to our u15 runner Bethan Kitchen in 8th place. Bethan ran well over the muddy conditions to hold our position in 8th and pass on to final leg runner Olivia Meikle. Olivia having only returned to training on Thursday after being down with a cold and still not feeling 100% put in a solid run to hold 8th place. A fantastic start to the days races!

Next to set off were the young males with u13 Struan Milne leading the team off. Struan ran a solid leg to hand over in 32nd place to u15 Lawrence Ward. Lawrence was on a mission and tore through the field to pull us up to 15th place and pass on to final leg runner Andrew McWilliam. Andrew set off with intent and pulled back six places and bring us home in 9th place. Another great race by our young athletes!

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Andrew McWilliam our final leg runner coming into the finish just behind Harmeny.

Next it was the turn of our senior ladies and leading off was Keira Gore who got us off to a good start and hand over in 16th place to 2nd leg runner Amy Smith. Amy in her first race since May had a solid run to come home and hand over in 20th place to Hannah Little. Hannah in her first senior cross country race ran well to pull back a couple of places and hand onto final leg runner Cathy Dickson in 18th place. Cathy one of our masters stepped up to complete the team and had a great run to come home in 20th place.

The final race of the day was the senior men and we had a senior and masters team. Our first runner for the senior team was Christian Graham. Christian ran well on the first leg up with leaders for much of the first leg before some small gaps began to appear. Christian handed on in 7th place to Matthew Smith. Matthew returning from injury had a positive run to hand on in 14th place to 3rd leg runner Alastair Scott. Alastair having just moved up to u20 was running his first senior race and ran well over the course to pass on in 24th place to Ross Matheson. It was great to have Ross complete the team and he had a solid run to bring the team home in 25th place.

First leg runner for Lasswade Christian Graham.

Our masters team were led off by Martin Gore who told us he was still recovering from his efforts in the London Marathon but he put in a great effort to hand on in 3rd place to Ken McWilliam. Ken McWilliam had a good run on 2nd leg to hand on in 8th place to 3rd leg runner Andrew McGlone. Andrew had a solid run over the now even wetter and muddier course to pass on in 9th place to final leg runner Scott Dickson. Scott had the glory leg and brought the team home in 8th place and Scott even said he enjoyed it!!

Not a bad day with three teams in the top 10 and the other two 20th and 25th.

Well done also to Lasswade AC athletes Harry Henriksen, Magnus and Sarah Tait who were running for their university teams today.

Harry Henriksen in action for Edinburgh University on the 2nd leg.

Congratulations to everyone on their individual performances and thanks to for their effort and commitment.

For full results click here

Thanks also to everyone who helped pack up the tent at the end of the day and to Scott and Cathy who took it away to dry it.

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East District Cross Country Relays – 01/10/2022

The first cross country race of the season took place in Galashiels on 1st October. This race was held in Galashiels last year and it was the same challenging hilly course in the majestic border’s countryside. The rain did threaten in the afternoon but we were lucky and the weather held, it was much kinder to us than last year with a mild dry afternoon.

There was a big difference in the number of Lasswade AC teams this year. Last year we initially had eleven teams entered for the event over all age groups and ended up fielding eight teams on the day. This year we initially had seven teams and ended up with five on the day.

The first event to get underway was the young females and u13 girl Beth McWilliam got her team of to a great start finishing the first leg in 5th place. Freya Mowbray was our second leg runner for our first team and she had a solid run to finish her leg and hand over to Olivia Meikle in 4th place. Olivia ran well on the final leg with the 3rd fastest time of the day for an u17 to maintain 4th position, a great start to the day’s events. In our other young female team Lucy Ward had a strong run to finish in 19th place on first leg and hand over to Emma Thomson. Emma an u13, stepped up to run our u15 leg and ran well to hand on in 20th place to final leg runner Bethan Kitchin. Bethan an u15 was also stepping up and running the u17 leg and had a strong run to finish in 20th place. It was great to see two teams competing and a number of the girls running amongst the fastest lap times for their respective age groups.

In the young males we also had two teams and our u13 runners were Struan Milne and Francis Ovani-Finnegan both running well on the first leg to hand over in 15th and 18th place respectively. Jonathan MacQueen and Lauchie Welsh were our u15 runners having solid runs and handing over to our final leg runners in 20th and 21st place. Andrew McWilliam and Rowan Taylor both ran well on the final leg with Andrew pulling his team up to 13th with the 4th fastest leg of the day. Rowan wasn’t too far behind in 14th and with the 7th fastest leg of the day.

The next event was the ladies race and Lasswade had placed 3rd in 2019 and won it in 2021. Sadly there was no defence of the title as we were unable to field a team.

The final event of the day was the men and Lasswade AC initially had two teams. However, with one athlete withdrawing due to injury others followed as the team was incomplete so it was scrapped and we ended up with only a Masters team competing . On the first leg Ken McWilliam got the team off to a good start in 31st place overall (14th in the Masters) to hand over to Andrew McGlone. Andrew had a solid run to hand on to 3rd leg runner Steve Brown in 33rd place (18th in Masters) . Steve was our next runner and ran well over the 4k course to keep us in the top 40 overall and top 20 in the masters. Our final leg runner was Derrick Brydon who had a good run to bring the team home in 38th place overall and 16th masters team.

A great day’s athletics with some fine performances from six of our young athletes getting amongst the fastest times of the day in their respective age groups.

Congratulations to everyone on their performances.

For full results click here

Thanks for all your help on the day especially Stuart Meikle for arriving early and helping us erect the tent.  

See you all at the National Relays!

Kirk and Linda

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Multi-Events – Thursday 20th October

Our Multi Events coaches will be taking a well deserved break on Thursday, 20th October so there will be no training session that night.

Training for all other groups should be on as usual (unless your coach tells you otherwise!).

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HBT Pentland Hills Junior Hill Race

Sunday 25th September saw some of Lasswade’s junior endurance runner turn out for HBT Junior Hill Race in the beautiful Pentland Hills.

Full results can be found here.

Spoiler: Francis 4th U13 Boy, Eilidh 3rd U13 Girl, Bethan 4th U15 Girl, Rowan 1st U17 Boy, Laurence 3rd U17 Boy.

Well done to all the Lasswade athletes.

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