Awesome athletes at Ayrshire Athletics Arena!

Despite the strong headwind on the home straight, there were great performances from Team Lasswade in the YDL today.

PBs came from Mia in the long jump, Eloise in the shot putt, Abbie in the 200m, Bethan and Lucy in the 800m. Competing for the first time was Dylan and Emily in the 100m – both will certainly run PBs next time out if the wind is kinder.

11 athletes competed for the club today which is an improvement on the 6 we saw in the first match. However, we know we can get more athletes out competing – please speak to your coaches if you haven’t competed this season or even someone the athletes in your training group who have competed. It’s just one of the ways to repay the coaches who put in so much time and hard work to help you improve.

The highlight (for me at least!) was the Under 15 girls 4x100m relay team who despite getting a crash course in baton changes 10 minutes before the start managed to put together 3 decent changes to come home 3rd.

Well done to all the athletes who turned out today and thanks to the coaches and officials who have been putting in the hard work with the athletes.

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Joint League – 29th May Grangemouth

Events for Match 2 are :-

  • 300m/400m Hurdles
  • 200m
  • 300/400m
  • 1500m
  • 1.5k/3k Steeplechase
  • Shot
  • Hammer
  • Javelin
  • Triple Jump
  • High Jump
  • Pole Vault

Under 17 and Under 20s should email Keith Ridley ( by Wednesday 18th May with the following information :-

  • Name 
  • Male or Female
  • DoB
  • Age Group
  • Scottish Athletics No
  • Event(s) and PB.

Any Senior athletes wishing to compete, please contact

Click here for the full timetable for Match 2. (NB: Timetable updated on 23rd May)

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Club Development Officer

Apply Now!

Lasswade AC is looking for their next Club Development Officer.  This is a part-time, paid role (starting initially at 11 hours per week), in partnership with Scottish Athletics as part of the Club Together partnership.

The successful applicant will help the club grow and improve; support our existing coaches and re-establish the Run, Jump, Throw program to increase junior membership. 

Check out the links below for more details or speak to any of the committee members.

Interested or know someone who could fit the bill?  Please spread the word.

Applications Close on 27th May.

Lasswade AC – Club Development Officer Vacancy on Scottish Athletics

More about Club Together

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Youth Development League – Match 2

Sunday, 22nd May – Ayrshire Athletics Arena, Kilmarnock

The next fixture will soon be upon us so please get in touch if you’re interested in competing (Under 13s and Under 15s only unfortunately). It would be good to build on the numbers who have already competed on the track already this season.

If you haven’t competed for us already, you will need a Scottish Athletics membership number. These can sometimes take a day or two to sort out, so please get in touch sooner rather than later so that your athlete doesn’t miss out!

Email to sign up or speak to your coach.

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Track and Field Leagues

Details of the leagues that Lasswade participate in have been updated here (Joint League, Forth Valley League and Youth Development League)

We’ve also compiled a selected list of events from the Scottish Athletics Calendar for easy reference.

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Forth Valley League – Match 1

After a 2 year covid-inflicted break, the Forth Valley League returned to a sunny Livingston today. This is a great league to start competing in – some of Scotland’s top athletes have competed in the league in years gone by and some have even gone on to the Olympics!

Team Lasswade competing in a tough division 1, had track debuts from Laura, Florence, Megan and Lucy. They were joined by Mia, Abbie, Eloise, Bethan and Yasmin to make up the small, but growing Lasswade team.

There were great performances all round including a 32 second PB in the 800m from Bethan. Admittedly, the absence of competitions due to covid has meant that there haven’t been as many opportunities to compete but it goes to show that all the hard work that our athletes have put in over the last two years with the help of our dedicated coaches is paying off.

Our next event for the Under 13 and Under 15 athletes is the Youth Development League at Kilmarnock on Sunday, May 22nd followed by the 2nd Match for the Forth Valley League at Grangemouth on Sunday ,12th June (we’ll be competing in the afternoon so you’ll be able to have a bit of a lie-in!)

Please email to register your interest.

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Forth Valley League – Sat 7th May

Emails have now been sent out to athletes who are competing at the Forth Valley League in Livingston on Saturday. If you haven’t received it and are expecting to compete, please check your junk/spam folders and email if you can’t find it.

Good luck to all our athletes competing this weekend.

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YDL Match 1 – Kilmarnock

This weekend was the turn of the younger Lasswade Athletes to compete. Six athletes made their way to Kilmarnock to compete in the first fixture of the Youth Development League, with Mia (75m, 800m and Long Jump) and Corey (Long Jump, 100m) making their debuts for the club.

We’re still waiting on the final results, but there were some encouraging performances for the rest of the season. Eloise ran finished 3rd in the 300m and was close to a PB in the shot put despite it being immediately after her race. Abbie ran well in the 800m – her first appearance on the track since before lockdown. Yasmin (100m) and Ruairidh (300m, 800m and Long Jump) both moved up to the Under 15 age group this season and are already looking forward to their next competitions. Although we don’t have results, we’re pretty certain Ruairidh went home with a PB in his 800m.

Well done to all the athletes for turning out today – it was great to be at a competition today without the restrictions that have been enforced over the last two seasons.

Results will appear on the The Power of 10 in the next few days.

The next YDL fixture is on May 22nd at Kilmarnock again. This is a great league to compete in with lots of events to choose from. It would be great to see more Lasswade athletes at the next fixture. Send an email to to register your interest or speak to your coach.

Thanks to the Lasswade officials – Susan, John and Ruth, without whom these competitions cannot go ahead.

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Youth Development League – Kilmarnock

Emails to athletes who have expressed an interest in competing at the YDL at Kilmarnock have been sent out. If you haven’t received an email, please check your spam folders. If you can’t find it, please email

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Forth Valley League: Match One

The first match of the Forth Valley League will take place on Saturday 7th May at Livingston.

For those who have not been involved with the league previously, the league is a developmental league aimed at introducing youngsters to competing in a friendly atmosphere. It is a great opportunity for all our junior members to represent the club, and themselves, at competition and a fun half day out for family. On the day coaches from the club will be along to look after everyone and make sure they are all taken care of.

The league is open to all club members in the U11, U13 and U15 age groups. The age groups work as follows:
U11 – must be 9 or 10 on August 31st 2022
U13 – must be 11 or 12 on August 31st 2022
U15 – must be 13 or 14 on August 31st 2022

Details for the match are as follows:
FVL Match 1: Sat 7th May
Events start: 09.45
Final event: 12.15
Craigswood Sports Centre, Livingston, EH54 5ER

If you would like to take part in the match please contact myself, Craig, ASAP at Spaces are fairly limited but we would like to see as many athletes as possible coming along to be part of the team.

Additionally, for any family members or senior athletes, if you would like to come along to help out with the officiating on the day please get in touch. Again, senior officials are along to take care of everyone and make sure they know what they are doing.

Any questions please get in touch at the same address

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