Temporary Suspension of Training Sessions

Temporary Suspension of Training Sessions

All club training sessions will be suspended until Monday 20th April

Over the past few weeks Lasswade Athletics Club have been following guidelines set out by Scottish Athletics and the Government in response to the Coronavirus Outbreak.  Our number one priority has always been the health and safety of our athletes, volunteers, members and their families. In light of the recent escalation in Health and Safety measures we have come to the unfortunate decision that training sessions will have to undergo a temporary suspension.

This decision also reflects that of our governing body Scottish Athletics:

“scottishathletics recommend that all formal club/group training sessions be cancelled for the time being but the situation will be monitored and reviewed on a week-by-week basis and until the recommendations on social contact are better understood.”

The initial suspension period has been set to run over the Easter Holidays, with training currently timetabled to resume on Monday 20th April. This will be the minimum period of suspension. We very much hope to be able to resume on the given date, however this will be dependent on the situation at that time.

Over the period of suspension our Facebook Page will continue to provide updates and information as we get it. Ahead of Monday 20th April emails will be sent providing up to date information.

This is obviously a massive blow for everyone at the club, athletes, coaches, volunteers and supporters and something no-one wanted or could have seen coming.

In the intervening period we hope that everyone keeps safe, healthy and follows the Health Guidelines that seem to be coming out on a daily basis. The best place for up to date club information is our facebook page: LasswadeAC1981. It would be a good idea for all members to check in on this page so we can reach as many people as possible throughout the year.

A further statement will be issued regarding the payment of club subs, via standing order, over the period of suspension, and the best way to cover this. In the meantime we realise that, in addition to the health impacts of the virus, there will be tremendous financial implications for a number of families. A previous document had been drafted dealing with this issue in the event we continued with training, allowing for the temporary exemption of payments for those affected along with other measures. This will be something we look into on return but, in the intervening period, if you are affected please feel free to cancel your standing order payment for April 1st. This will in no way affect your membership or ability to return to training when the sessions resume.

Emails have been sent out with the above information. If you have not received an email it is important that you contact Craig at lasswadeathletic@gmail.com so that your details can be added.

Current List of Events / Competitions Affected:  Summer 2020 T&F Fixtures



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Road Race 2020

The 39th installment of Lasswade Athletics Annual Ten Mile Road Race proved to be one of the toughest in its history as weather conditions came close to preventing the race going ahead last Sunday. Overnight and morning downpours had left two sections of the course under almost a foot of water and impassable to most vehicles. In the end though the race did go ahead, much to the credit of the runners, marshals and officials who took part. And what a race it was.

Prior to the start of the race, runners and officials observed a minutes silence inmemory of Kenny Marshal. This was the first Road Race since we lost Kenny and it was a fine tribute to a fine man who had contributed so much to both athletics and the community.

The course was in such a state that you would  have expected times to go out of the window, however that did not happen. From the start Corstorphine AAC runner Michael Crawley and Lasswade AC runner Christian Graham set a blistering pace, pulling away from the field, pushing each other on every step of the way. This was all the more remarkable given that at just 19 years old Christian was one of the youngest to have run this race.  All the way through Roslin Glen and past Auchendinny the two raced on neck and neck, however in the closing miles Michael managed to establish a decent lead. Despite a spirited finish from Christian he could not close the gap as the pair made their way through the most treacherous sections of the course, with Michael negotiating the final challenges to come home winner. 

The winning time of of just 53m & 48s, over 3 mins faster than last year’s race, was remarkable given the conditions. Finishing just 21 seconds, and first in the Under 20 age group as well as first Lasswade runner home, Christian Graham can be more than proud of his debut in the race. Another top performance came from Telfer Gray. Like Christian, Telfer is another young runner with a bright future. The U20 Central AC athlete couldn’t hold the pace of the front two but was strong throughout and finished 3rd in a time of 59 min 05 seconds. Last year’s winner Adam Gray returned again for this year’s race and produced another fine run finishing in 4th place. 

Winner of this years Female Race was unattached athlete Catriona Probert who ran a strong race throughout. After establishing a lead over the rest of the women in the field, she finished  in another great time of 70.17. The win also secured top spot in the Masters and Midlothian Prize categories for Catriona. Second place went to Dundee Hawkhill Harriers runner Gemma Dolan in a time of 71.05, with Edinburgh AC’s Lyndsey Fraser not far behind in third. 


In an update to the Winners of the Female Team Event the eventual winners were Musselburgh and District Athletics Club.  The original results had missed out 2 of the Musselburgh Teams runners. After revising the results the team of Suzanne Beattie, Sarah Burrell and Fiona Watson came out winners by 26 points. Edinburgh Running Network,  finished second with Zorana Tasovac, Alison Rowe and Elizabeth Welsh scoring the points need. Penicuik Harriers claimed back to back wins in the Men’s Team event with last years winner Adam Gray joined by both John Gibbs and Ceadach Morton in the top ten. Second place went to Edinburgh with Gala Harriers in 3rd and Lasswade in 4th.


1st Male:  Michael Crawley,  Corstorphine AAC

1st Female:  Catriona Probert,  unattached

1st Midlothian Female:  Catriona Probert,  unattached

1st Masters Female:  Catriona Probert,  unattached

1st Masters Male:  Gary Trewartha,  Gala Harriers

1st JogScotland Runner:  Angus Baxter,  unattached

1st Midlothian Male: Christian Graham,  Lasswade AC

1st Lasswade Male: Christian Graham,  Lasswade AC

1st Lasswade Female: Julia Cunningham

On the day though everyone who competed, from first to last, was a winner. Pushing themselves to the extreme and carrying on until the end when most would have given up. A special mention should also go out to the volunteers who turned out in force to support the event and ensure that, despite the conditions, the event went ahead as well as it did. 

The Race will return again on Sunday 7th March 2021. We hope to see as many people back as possible. Thanks for your support, effort and enthusiasm.

A full list of the winners, in each of the different categories, can be found at the following link:  LAC 10 Mile RoadRace Revised Results V1

Upcoming Events in the area:

Bluebell Trail Run, Dalkeith Country Park, Sunday 26th April:  Info at Bluebell 5k / 10k Trail Run

Penicuik Harriers 10K Road Race, Sunday 9th May:  Info at  Penicuik 10K

Balerno Rigg Race, Monday 25th May:  Info at   Rigg Race 2020

Thanks to Keith Kong for another set of great photos. To view more go the the club flickr page   Lasswade Road Race Photos

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National Cross Country Championships – Falkirk – 22/02/2020

Magnus with a great run to finish in 9th place! (Photo courtesy Will Graham)

The National Cross Country Championships once again took place at Callender Park, Falkirk. There was some doubt that the championships would go ahead at this venue due to the recent adverse weather and the condition of the park. However, after agreement that  some parts of the park would not be used and a revised course the event got the go ahead. That having been said the ground was saturated and extremely muddy in large sections of the course, the forecast for the day was wind, sleet and rain.

Lasswade AC had total of 28 athletes running and the first event of the day was the u13 girls.  The conditions deteriorated and the sleet and rain came down as the race got underway. The first Lasswade girl home was Hannah Knipe in 28th followed by team mate Eloise Scott in 50th and Bethan Kitchin in 62nd. Unfortunately Abbie Foster did not finish as she had a fall after being tripped by another runner who slipped in the muddy conditions.

Our U13 Girls at the end of their race! (Photo – courtesy of Graham Knipe)










The cold and wet conditions continued for the u13 boys race. Andrew McWilliams who has been improving throughout the winter was first Lasswade runner home in an impressive 7th place with team mate Rowan Taylor having a strong run in 26th and Cian Murray  completing our u13’s in 144th place.

In our u15 girls team Olivia Meikle led the girls home with a solid performance in 33rd, Amy McLaughlin was next home in 46th followed by team mate Skye Foster in 92nd, Fiona Eades 95th and Rebekah Knipe 102nd.

We had five u15 boys in the next race and the conditions remained cold, wet and very muddy! Sam Kitchin led the boys home in 58th, Alastair Scott was next in 65th, Rory Scott was 82nd, Alasdair Brown 111th and Alec Miller 141st.

Harry Henriksen last year’s u15 National Champion had moved up an age group to u17. Preparation for Harry  had not gone to plan but he was on the start line with team mate Alex Porteous ready to give the race a go. Harry ran a steady race to finish in 23rd place, team mate Alex had to pull out.

In the u20 men we had two runners competing for their respective universities, Christian Graham running for Dundee and Magnus Tait for Glasgow. Both probably had their best races of the season with Christian following just behind the lead group of 6 or 7 runners on the first lap and Magnus a litte further back in about 15th. In the second lap both worked their way through with Christian finishing 4th and helping his Dundee University team to win the silver team medal. Magnus also worked his way through to finish inside the top 10 in 9th place.

Christian on route to a brilliant 4th place! (Photo courtesy Will Graham)

In the u20 women’s race we had one athlete, Sarah Tait. Like Christian and Magnus, Sarah also had one of her best races of the winter season. Sarah was up in as high as 5th place going into the second lap but faded a little still finishing inside the top 10 in a super 8th place.

Sarah on her way to superb 8th place! (Photo courtesy Will Graham)

Keira Gore was our only senior lady competing today and considering she wasn’t feeling that great going into the race ran very well to finish in an impressive 19th place.

The last race of the day was the senior men and it got underway just as the heavens opened once again with sleet rain and wind. The course started off the day like a quagmire of mud so after nine races you can imagine what it was like for the men! All of our men that were competing are masters and Andrew McGlone was first home in 314th, followed by Scott Dickson in 437th, Dave Scott and Peter Ness were pretty close with Dave coming out on top in 456th with Peter in 467th. Our final two runners were Steve Brown 501st and Phil Parr-Burman in 580th

Well done to everyone who took part today.  A great effort with some impressive performances in very difficult conditions.

That’s the cross country season almost over for another season, just the schools and inter counties left. If you are involved in these then good luck we hope you have a great race.

Thanks to everyone for their help and support over the winter as always we greatly appreciate it –  it’s great to see everyone pulling together and mucking in to help and support each other – so thank you all.

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Scottish Indoor 3000m Championships – 03/01/2020

The above event took place at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow on Friday 03/01/2020, the first championship event of 2020.

Prior to the 3000m championship races there were two 600m races. Lasswade AC had two athletes competing in these. In the ladies race U20 Charlotte Clare finished 5th in 1.36.53 and in the Mens race U20 Euan Hood was 3rd in 1.27.72.

Lasswade AC had four athletes in action over the ten 3000m races.

The first to race was U20 Sarah Tait who has had a good start to the winter season over the cross country. Sarah continued her good form running very well and finishing just outside the medals in 4th place smashing her PB by 20 seconds running 10.05.18

Sarah in action (photo courtesy of Bobby Gavin)

Next under the starters orders was Harry Henriksen (U17). Having had a slow start to the season due to a sore heel Harry was keen to run well. The race set off at a fast pace but Harry stuck in and ran a strong race to finish 3rd U17 knocking 7 seconds of his PB running 9.14.88.

Harry Henriksen – U17 Bronze Medal Winner at 3K indoor champs (photo courtesy of Bobby Gavin)

Lasswade AC had two more athletes competing and Magnus Tait was the next off. These races are ceded so the races gets faster with each heat and the pace is fast from the gun. Magnus went off quick, dug in and was rewarded with his first sub 9.00 minute clocking in a time of 8.56.12 knocking 4.5 seconds from his previous best.

Magnus in action with David Addison close behind (photo courtesy of Bobby Gavin)







The final Lasswade AC athlete competing was Christian Graham. Christian was in the penultimate race of the evening. Having shown good form over the cross country so far this season he was looking to convert that form onto the track. This race set off at a quick pace, Christian also set off quickly but sat back off the pace of the leaders. In the final kilometre Christian maintained his pace as others faded resulting in him passing some of them to finish 3rd U20 in a new PB of 8.40.20 taking 3.5 seconds of his previous best.

Christian Graham – U20 Bronze Medalist leads Anthony Addison (photo courtesy of Bobby Gavin)










Congratulations to all of the athletes on their performances and new personal bests. A confidence booster ahead of next weeks cross country race in Stirling.

Great to see how some of these athletes have continued their training as they adapt to life at university and away from home.

Well done to all of you.

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UKA Cross Challlenge – Stirling 11/01/2020

As a result of recent performances at the UKA Cross Challenge in Liverpool and also the East District Championships a number of Lasswade AC athletes have either been selected for National or District representation.

Christian Graham who has been running well over the cross country this winter has been rewarded for his efforts by being selected for the U20 Scottish Team for the Home Countries XC international.

Christian Graham racing at Livingston earlier this season (photo courtesy of Will Graham)

In addition the following athletes have been selected for the East District Team, Andrew McWilliam (u13), Rowan Taylor (u13), Abbie Foster (u13), Olivia Meikle (u15), Keira Gore (Senior).

Andrew McWilliam in action at Piper Dam (Photo courtesy Neil Renton)

Niamh Shaw has been selected for the Scottish Universities team. Sarah Tait (u20) was also selected but has chosen to run as an individual in the U20 race (the universities compete in the senior race).

It is fantastic to see so many Lasswade athletes being selected for this event and a great advert for the club. Congratulations to all of the above athletes on their selections which are all very well deserved.

Good luck on the day!

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Lasswade Open Cross Country – 03/11/2019

Please see final results for our open cross country event at Gore Glen.

Cross Country Results 2019

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National XC Relay Championships – Cumbernauld – 26/10/2019

The National cross country relay championships took place in Cumbernauld again this year. This has become the home of the event as it has been a long time since it has been held at any other venue.

Lasswade AC had three young female, three young male, one female and two male teams competing.

The first race of the day was the young females and Abbie Foster, Eloise Scott and Hannah Knipe were our three under 13 runners leading our teams off.  In a reversal of positions from the previous week first home was Hannah in 26th followed by Eloise 34th and Abbie 39th. Our second runners were Olivia Meikle,  Skye Foster and Amy McLaughlin. Olivia ran well pulling back 21 places to finish in 18th place, followed by U13 Bethan Kitchin in 47th and Skye Foster in 53rd.  The final leg runners were Abby McGlone, Amy McLaughlin and Rebekah Knipe.   First home with a solid run was Abby in 27th place, followed by Amy McLaughlin who pulled our second team up nine places to 44th and Rebekah Knipe in 71st place.  Great to see so many girls out competing and well done to you all, in particular thanks to all of you that stepped up an age group to complete teams.

Next were the young males and again we had three teams. Our under 13 runners were Rowan Taylor, Andrew McWilliams and Harry Miller.  Not to be outdone by the girls the boys again decided to reverse the positions from the previous week with Andrew leading the boys home with a great run in 6th place, next was Rowan in 18th and Harry 98th. Our under 15 boys were Alastair Scott, Sam Kitchin and Alec Miller. Sam was first off followed by Alastair and Alec. Alastair ran a solid leg to maintain his team’s position coming home in 17th, Sam was next home in 27th followed by Alec in 99th. The final leg runners were Harry Henriksen, Alex Porteous and Alasdair Brown.  Harry running with a sore heal finished in 21st place followed by Alex in 37th and Alasdair making up a few places to finish 88th. Good to have three complete teams and thanks to the boys who stepped up an age group.

In the ladies we had one team, Amy Frankland, Keira Gore, Ailsa Innes and Rachel Fagan. Amy ran a great first leg to keep us up at the top end of the field not too far from the leaders in 6th place. Keira was next off and also had a great run to maintain our position in 6th place and hand on to Ailsa who ran strongly to hand on to final leg runner Rachel. Rachel ran really well stepping up to complete the team and finishing 13th, probably one of our highest ladies finishes in this event.

The men were the final event of the day and we had two teams, Christian Graham, Martin Gore, Cameron Steven and Euan Hood and also a masters team of Andrew McGlone, Peter Ness, Steve Brown and Derrick Brydon.

Christian got the men of to a good start coming home in 11th place, Martin was next off and ran well keeping us just outside the top 20 in 21st. Cammy was on third leg and ran a solid leg to hand on to last leg runner Euan in 30th place. Euan stepping up to complete the team ran well to finish in 42nd.

The masters were Andy 108th on first leg, Peter 112th, Steve 105th and Derrick bringing them home in 95th. They were 18th masters team and 16th M50 team (excluding Derrick).

A great turnout for the event so thanks to everyone and well done on your individual and team performances!

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East District XC League – Match 1 Stirling – 19/10/2019

The first of this seasons East District Cross Country league matches took place at Stirling on 19/10/2019. It looked like being a miserable day with heavy rain overnight and on the morning on the day of the event.  However, the skies cleared and although underfoot conditions on parts of the course were very heavy and muddy the day itself was dry, sunny and mild.

In the first race of the day the under 11 girls we had our new Australian members running. Twin girls Ruby and Poppy ran great races to get the club off to a flying start finishing 2nd and 8th respectively. In the under 11 boys we only had one runner, Nathan Lawrence who ran strongly to finish in 44th place.

We had four under 13 girls running in the next race with Abbie Foster leading our girls home in 12th place, followed by Hannah Knipe in 17th, Eloise Scott in 25th and Bethan Kitchin 44th. This put the girls in 5th place in the league team event only four points behind 3rd place.

In the under 13 boys our first runner home was RowanTaylor in 8th place closely followed by Andrew McWilliam in 9th place. Our third counter was Cian Murray in 70th. The boys are currently sitting in 6th place in the league.

Under 15/17 girls run together in the league and we had five athletes in this race. Leading Lasswade home was Olivia Meikle in 21st, followed by Amy McLaughlin 37th, Abby McGlone 39th, Sky Foster 69th and Rebekah Knipe 75th.

Next up were the under 15 boys and Alastair Scott ran well to lead our team home in 31st, closely followed by Sam Kitchin in 33rd and Alasdair Brown running well after having tonsillitis to finish 49th.

In the under 17 men we only had on runner, Alex Porteous who had a solid run to finish in 22nd place.

Only the senior races left and the women were off first with only two Lasswade athletes which was a bit disappointing after having eight ladies at the relays a week earlier. Sarah Tait was up with the leaders from the start and had a good run to finish in 3rd place with the consistent Rachel Fagan our second counter in 47th place.

The final race of the day was the men and Lasswade had eight runners! Leading our men hom was Christian Graham who recovered after an early fall in the slippy conditions to finish 18th (5th U20), not too far behind was Magnus Tait in 24th (10th U20), Andrew McGlone was next counter in 132nd, followed by Scott Dickson 160th, close behind was Steve Brown in 166th, Dave Scott 207th, Phil Parr-Burnam 239th and Derrick Brydon 242nd.

Magnus and Christian alongside Andy Butchart at the start of the Men’s race.

The first league match is always a difficult race to get complete teams as it falls in the October school week so although there were some incomplete teams it was good to see so many athletes competing.

Thanks to everyone for your efforts and congratulations to you all on your performances!

(NB:Phot0 Courtesy of Will Graham)

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Barbara Howie – Scottish Athletics Hall of Fame

It was announced this week on the Scottish Athletics website that our Club Treasurer Barbara Howie is to be inducted in to the Scottish Athletics hall of fame .

This is fantastic news and a very well deserved honour. Many congratulations to Barbara from everyone at Lasswade AC.

I have taken the information below from the Scottish athletics website.

Barbara Howie – wheelchair Paralympian

Barbara Howie made a major impact in her first Paralympic Games in Heidelberg, West Germany in 1972 where she set a world record and won three gold medals – 60m wheelchair, 4×40 Open and slalom 3.

She is Scotland’s most successful wheelchair track athletics Paralympian.

In the Games of 1976 in Toronto she followed up her impressive debut with another gold in the 60m wheelchair with a world record to add to her collection. Barbara’s final Paralympic Games were in the Netherlands in 1980 where she won her fifth Paralympic medal – a silver in the 60m wheelchair.

Barbara just missed out on all the technological changes that made such an impact on athletics in the years after she retired.

She continued her involvement in athletics in Scotland as an Official and was regularly present at major meets. Her major competition as an Official was the Commonwealth Games in 1986 in Edinburgh.

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East District Cross Country Relay Championships – 12/10/2019

This seasons cross country season got underway with the East District cross country championships which took place at Livingston on 12/10/2019. These relays are a great event and fun way to start off the cross country season. The weather conditions were good it was dry and sunny. The course looked good although some parts were very muddy as a result of the recent wet weather.

Lasswade AC are regular participants in this event and this year was no exception with Lasswade entering nine teams (two young female teams, two young male teams, two male teams and three womens teams).

The first race of the day was the young females and the two teams were Abbie Foster (u13), Amy McLaughlin (u15),  Olivia Meikle (u15) and Eloise Scott (u13), Skye Foster (U15) and Abby McGlone (U17).  The girls attributed themselves with our first team led home by Olivia Meikle finishing just outside the top 10 in 11th place with Abby McGlone leading our second team home just outside the top 20 in 21st place.

In the next race of the day, the young males, we had a late call off and were unfortunately unable to find a replacement. As a result we only had one team in this race. The team was Rowan Taylor (U13), Ross Wolfenden (U15) and Alastair Scott (U15) and the boys ran very well to finish just inside the top 15 in 14th place. Rowan Taylor was 8th equal fastest leg of the day for U13 runners.

The senior women were the next race of the day and unusually for us we had eight runners almost three complete teams – fantastic! The teams were Amy Frankland, Keira Gora and Sarah Tait in the first team, Ailsa Innes, Amy Smith and Niamh Shaw in the second team and Cathy Dickson and Rachel Fagan in the incomplete third team. Amy Frankland set the first team up with a great run finishing 3rd on the first leg handing on to Keira Gore who ran strongly to pull us up another place passing onto U20 Sarah Tait for the final leg. It was always going to be hard to hold on to 2nd as Sarah was being chased down by Annabel Simpson of Fife AC (who ended up running the fastest leg of the day by 25 seconds!) however Sarah ran very well and brought the team home comfortably in 3rd place. Our other athletes also ran very well with our second team inside the top 20 in 18th place.  Our masters ladies also did well we just need some more female masters to complete the team.

Sarah, Keira and Amy – Bronze Medal Winners 2019!

Congratulations to our bronze medallists, having spoken to Dave Hand we believe that this is the first time our senior women have ever won a team medal at the cross country relays.

The final event of the day was the men and we had two teams entered, Magnus Tait, Christian Graham, Euan Hood and Andrew McGlone were our first team and we had a complete masters team, Scott Dickson, Dave Scott, Peter Ness and Derrick Brydon.

Magnus flying towards the finish!

Magnus Tait led off our first team with a strong run to come home and hand over in 9th place to team mate Christian Graham who ran very well to pull back a few places setting Euan Hood off in 6th place. Cross Country is not Euan’s favourite event but he was happy to come an run and make up a team. Euan dug in and handed on to final leg runner Andrew McGlone in 13th place. Andrew one of our fastest masters ran well to bring the team home in 21st place.

Christian in action in the East Relays







Our masters team did very well to finish 58th overall and 15th masters team.

Well done and congratulations on your performances to everyone who took part.

For full reslts click here

Looking forward to the National Relays in a few weeks we definitely have opportunities for teams to be competitive and fighting for medals it’s just getting everyone we need to be available at the same time.




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