Lasswade AC AGM. Newbattle Golf Club 16/3/16


This years AGM is on Wednesday 16th March At Newbattle Golf Club.

The meeting starts at 7pm and finishes before 9pm .

A good turn out from members is requested

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Indoor open graded Meadowbank 28 February 2016

A good turn out of Lasswade Ac athletes headed for a busy Meadowbank yesterday and were rewarded with some fine performances and PBs

unscrutinised results are attached


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National Cross Country Championships – Falkirk – 27/02/2016

The National Cross Country Championships took place on Saturday 27 February 2016 at Callendar Park in Falkirk. It was a beautiful sunny day, the temperature mild and the course, with a few changes from last year, looked fantastic!

This is the highlight of the cross country season in Scotland with clubs and individuals from all over the country competing.

This was one of the events being used for selection for the London Mini Marathon and also the inter counties cross country championships. Anyone in the under 15 and 17 age groups with aspirations of either event would have to perform well today.

There were lots of great performances for full report please click the link below:
National Cross Country 2016

For full results please click here



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Scottish Schools 3 & 4 February 2016, Emirate

Scottish Schools Athletics. Indoor championships
3&4 February 2016

Lasswade had a significant number of athletes performing in school colours over the two days. A breakdown of their performance is included below

In terms of a medals haul
Cameron Steven, Sarah Tait won silver in the 800s Henry Clarkson win silver in the long jump
Lauren Dickson won Bronze in the 1500
Bryony Patterson won bronze in the long jump

Special mentions for Abbie’s Malinowski’s performance. This was a PB time for her and at only 12 years old and still in S1 she was the youngest athlete in the semi-finals.

Also to Hannah Little who smashed her PB and just missed out on a medal in the 800. Having just turned 13 years her future attempts at the schools look very promising.!6229&authkey=!AGbeI4b0fuuPZA8


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Reminder – Open Graded Meadowbank 28 February 2016

Closing date is fast approaching for the open graded at Meadowbank on 28 February.

Cut off is 15 February however sprints coach Gordon Robertson is prepared to take entry forms and hand them in with monies. He will only accept them until them until Thursday 11 February 2016

You can also apply on line

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Active East Lothian XC John Muir Country Park

Results from yesterday’s XC at John Muir Country Park. Well done to the following

Hannah Little 2nd u13 girl,
Amy McLaughlin 8th u11 girl
Alistair Scott 24 th u11
Jonathon Adams not listed but there is an unnamed runner 52 overall

 Dave Scott was the only Lasswade Adult listed running home in 41st place.
Photos available
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Training tonight 1 FEBRUARY 2016

***STORM HENRY UPDATE*** Training is ON for the following groups. Obviously if weather changes/gets worse when training is on, outside groups will try and finish earlier:-

Endurance Group



Induction Group



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Masters XC , Forres 30 January 2016

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Only two Lasswade athletes as far as I can see from the results

Both Ben Mitchell and Linden Nicholson acquitted themselves well with Ben finishing a credible 72nd overall and 15th in his age Group. Linden had another strong performance finishing 46th overall and 2 nd in her age group.

Well done to both runners

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National Age Championships -30/1/16 ,Emirates


National Age Champs

A good day’s work with some fine performances. Well done to all.

Two silvers and three bronze medals for Lasswade athletes this afternoon. Two silvers for Lauren Dickson in the U 17 , 800 & 1500. Rachel Robertson in the women’s long jump and Robert Ferguson in the men’s High jump. Bryony Patterson got bronze in the U17 Triple Jump

Final places for Ailsa Innes 5th in the 800 and Cameron Steven 6th in the men’s 800

PBs for Jamie English in the Long Jump and equalled in the High Jump. Good results after long injury.

PB for Rachel Elder in 60m H

PBs for Euan Hood and Magnus Tait in the u17 800 and 1500 respectively.

PB for Bryony Patterson in the Long Jump

And just outside the medals for Sarah Tait in 4th in U17, 1500.

Full Results now available via Scottish Athletics.
Bryony Patterson U17 LJ 5.12 (PB). TJ 10.35
Jamie English U17 LJ 5.53 (PB) HJ 1.65 (=PB)
Rachel Robertson Women’s Long jump 5.73
Rachel Elder 60m h 9.98 and 9.48 in the TJ
Lauren Dickson U17 800 2.24 in heat and 2.18.34 in final – Silver
1500 4.50 – Silver
Ailsa Innes. U17 800 2.27.31 in heat and 2.23.75 for 5th in final
Cameron Steven men’s 800 1.57.66 in heat and 1.58.61 for 6th in final
Magnus Tait U17 1500. 4.36.51
Euan Hood U17 800 2.12.76
Robert Ferguson men’s HJ 2.05 for 3rd
Sarah Tait U17 1500 4.52 and 4th

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Lasswade Road Race – assistance sought

Roll up, roll up. Assistance needed



Ruth Szymanski is STILL looking for some volunteers to assist prepare after race buffet for the Lasswade Road Race on Sunday 6 March 2016. Required from around 1000- 1500 hrs. While she is happy to see returning faces she is also after some NEW volunteers.

These events don’t run themselves so if you can spare a few hours and fancy helping Ruth out either contact her at or through CDO Brian hood at so that she can coordinate the process.

We thank you in anticipation

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