CSSAL League Match 1

Sunday 27th April, 2024 – Grangemouth

The timetable for the first league fixture is now available here. We still need more athletes to sign-up for the competition especially in the male age groups and senior women. There are events for all age groups from Under 11s to Masters.

Being part of this league means that we will occasionally be asked to help play a bigger part in the running of the competition on the day and so Lasswade will be doing so for the second fixture (Sunday 9th June at Grangemouth). We’re looking for a couple of volunteers to help record the results from the day (familiarity with spreadsheets would be an advantage). Please let Keith or Leigh know if you can help. We’re also looking for assistance with team management this season in both the CSSAL League and for the Forth Valley League so please get in touch with Keith if you’re interested in helping out.

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Farewell Ross

Sad to see Ross Finlayson, one of Lasswade’s club stalwarts move on to another club. It’s fair to say that Ross has achieved alot during his (almost) 30 years with Lasswade and has got out of athletics (and club membership) that we hope all members will.

Ross Finlayson writes:

I was just writing as I think the time has come for me to join a local athletics club. I’ve been living ‘up North’ since 2011, and over time the opportunities to compete for Lasswade have been less and less, and with the dissolving of the Men’s League I don’t think there are any team competitions I can make any more.

I wanted to just say a little bit about my love for Lasswade and all the club has done for me… From what I can recall, I came to the Midlothian ‘Come and Try’ athletics at Lasswade high school in 1996. We ran a race and I was narrowly beaten. Almost immediately I had Davy Hand chatting with me, and before you know it, the second I turned 9, I was competing in the U11s cross-country. 

From there on I ran cross country every winter, and did track races in the summer. The team minibus journeys are a strong memory for me, travelling through with the people who would become lifelong friends, mentors and heroes. I was naturally tall and strong and so pentathlon was a happy hunting ground – I believe I still have the National Record for this at U13 level. There were Scottish titles and podiums indoors, outdoors, and some great trips across the whole country. I did all the events, and I mean all of them! 

I specifically remember my first Men’s league event in Inverness. I was too young to compete in the main A or B stream event but I think I got a guest spot in the 800m, this was all part of Davy’s plan to get me ready for the big time the following year. With Andy Sobik’s help we had a great run in the Men’s League including winning Division 2, and being voted Club of the Year while I was captain. This is a stand-out moment of pride for my life. I dabbled in Pro running at the Border Games events – always wearing the Lasswade vest with pride, and won the league a couple of times, with some great memories along the way. To this day my 800m PB is from a glorious race at Meadowbank in the Men’s League. I knocked over 4s off my time in one day. I’m still not 100% sure how I did it.

I never quite cracked the 1,500m and so with University then work and moving to the North east of Scotland, it took me some time to find my way back to enjoying running and learning that winning isn’t what makes running great. To this day, I miss the club training atmosphere, the characters, the routine, and all the friendly faces turning up week-in and week-out. 

I’ve chased the distances all the way up to a 36 mile Ultra marathon, and probably my peak race lately was a 2.48.30 marathon in Boston in 2023. 

Joining Lasswade unquestionably changed my life for the better. It gave me a focus, an outlet, and a social group that was absolutely key to making me more confident, happier, and helped shape my future. I could not have been without my club. 

So although it is sad to move on, I have so many good memories and the permanent benefits from being a part of Lasswade. I want to thank every single person who was part of that childhood journey. I could share these stories for hours/days/weeks. 

Ross Finlayson, third from right in the Senior Men’s Team, Division 2 Champions 2019
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Kit Donations

If anyone has any pre-loved kit that is no longer being used but still have a bit of life in them, we’d love to help find them a new home. Running spikes, club vests and starting blocks are always in demand. Please hand them to your coach at training or drop us an email.

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Track and Field 2024

Get Competing!

Participation? It’s not just about Monday and Thursday training nights!

The summer track and field season will soon be upon us and we’ve now updated the Track and Field guide on our website.

For under 12s, we have the superTeams qualifiers at Saughton Park, Edinburgh on Sunday, 14th April. Sign up using this Google Form.

Our first league competitions are in the Central and South Scotland League at Grangemouth on Saturday 27th April. This is for U11s to Masters age groups. Sign up using this Google Form

The next competition after that is just a week later (Saturday 4th May) in the Forth Valley League for U11s to U15s and is also at Grangemouth. Sign up using this Google Form.

New to the club or competitions? We have our virtual parent’s evening on Tuesday 26th March at 7pm where we can answer all your questions about track and field competitions. Sign up using this Google Form

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VMH Solicitors Lasswade 10 Mile Road Race Report


The 40th running of the Lasswade 10 Mile Road Race took place on Sunday, thanks to the support of VMH Solicitors who kindly sponsored the event this year. 
The last running of the event was back in 2020 and certainly one to remember due to the torrential downpours in the preceding 24 hours that almost turned the race into an aquathlon!  Fortunately, the weather was kinder to us this year and although overnight rain left the course a little muddy in places, the weather during the race was much conducive for a challenging 10 mile “undulating” road race. 
A small change was made to the course this year to avoid some of the “puddles” that affected the 2020 run, taking the runners along the smooth tarmac past Whitehill House.

The race got underway at 12pm and the 137 runners on the start line made their way out of Rosewell and into 10 miles of the Midlothian countryside.

First home was James Dunn (Corstorphine AC) in 53:57, followed by Edinburgh AC’s Callum Reid in 55:30. Lasswade’s Ross Matheson, who’s in training for the London Marathon in April, was just a further minute behind in 56:30.  

First lady to cross the finish line was our own Lauren Dickson in an amazing time of 58:47 which was also good enough for 5th overall.  Second was Carol Moss of Moorfoot in 72:42 with Adele Boucher hot on her heels just 7 seconds behind.

More outstanding performances worthy of note:- 17 year old Alfie McDonald clocked 61:27 for first male under 20 and 9th overall.

Possibly the first time at the Lasswade 10, a couple of “jogglers” – running whilst juggling at the same time were in the race.  James McDiarmid covered the course in 69:21 and Scott Jenkins in 72:01 and incredibly, Scott managed the entire course without a single drop!

Team honours went to the Edinburgh Men’s team of Callum Reid, Mark Thornton Smith and Sean Eng.   Penicuik team of Rachel Drummond, Julie Hand and Helen Osman took the women’s medals.

Congratulations to all runners – it’s certainly one of the toughest 10 milers in the area. Good luck to everyone who used this as part of their marathon training. I’m sure your marathon courses will be less “undulating” than this!

It goes without saying that a race like this simply cannot happen without the volunteers, officials and marshals, many who have supported the event for many years so a massive ‘Thank You’ to all of you. Thanks also to our junior club members who assisted with bags, medals and water stations.

Lasswade AC would also like to thank the following organisations for their support:

  • VMW Solicitors – our title sponsors. Please mention the Lasswade Road Race if you contact them!
  • Rotary Club of Esk Valley who provided additional marshals on the course.
  • Whitehill Welfare Football Club for use of their premises.
  • Oakridge Group for their help with the course at Rosslynlee.
  • Whitehill Golf Course 
  • Midlothian Council
  • Police Scotland
  • Up and Running

Save the date for the 41st Lasswade 10 Mile Road race on Sunday, 2nd March, 2025.

If you’re looking for other local races, look no further than the Penicuik 10K organised by our friends from Penicuik Harriers on Saturday, 11th May and The Bluebell Trail Run, Dalkeith on Sunday 12th May and has 1k, 5k and 10k races.  Entry is free for pupils at Midlothian and East Lothian High Schools. The Bluebell Trail run raises funds for the Midlothian Young Person’s Advice Service (MYPAS) to support the work it does in Midlothian and East Lothian.

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Parents and Members Info Evening

Ahead of the summer Track and Field season we will be holding a virtual members/parents night on Tuesday 26th March at 7pm. The topics will cover how the various competitions run and go over some volunteering roles. To register please complete this form and details will be sent nearer the time. If you have any questions in particular just mention them in the form.

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National Cross Country Championships – Callendar Park, Falkirk – 24/02/2024

This seasons National Cross Country Championships took place at Callendar Park, Falkirk on Saturday. The conditions were perfect for February it was a beautiful sunny and mild day with little or no wind. Conditions underfoot were generally good with only a few muddy sections.

The first race of the day was the under 13 girls and we had six girls running. One of our newer members Isla Madhra got the day off to a flying start, finishing 3rd and winning the bronze medal. A great performance after only a few races for the club. Next home was another one of our newer members Rosa Gomez Candy in 50th place. Team mates Laura Kitchin, Olivia Spark and Eilidh Mowbray were next in 74th, 78th and 86th respectively. Our final athlete home was Darcy Esson in 128th place.

In the under 13 boys Francis Ovani- Finnegan had another good run to finish inside the top 15 in 13th place with team mate Fraser Houston continuing to improve with a strong finish in 83rd place.

The next race was the under 15 girls and we knew we had a strong team so had high hopes of picking up medals. The girls performed well on the day with Freya Brown our first counter in 2nd place with team mate Cerys Wright not too far behind in 5th place. Our next counter was Lucy Ward in 23rd followed by Beth McWilliam 36th and Emma Thomson 43rd.  There was some confusion over the team results due to an issue with the technology but after some manual intervention it was announced that the girls had won team gold by the narrowest of margins with one point separating the first three teams.

Under 15 Girls National Cross Country Championships 2024 – 1st Team Lasswade AC

Our under 15 boys team was incomplete as one of our athletes had a stomach bug. Aaden Robertson was our first athlete home in 38th place. Only a few places separated our next two athletes with Finlay Troup in 76th place and Struan Milne in 79th.  

In the under 17 women’s race Bethan Kitchin was our only athlete. In probably her best race of the season Bethan had a great run to finish in 24th place.

The under 17 men was another race where we had a strong team, but unfortunately one of our athletes was injured so was unable to race on the day. The remainder of our team performed well with our first counter Rowan Taylor in 7th place followed by Innes Wright in 11th place. Third counter was Laurence Ward in 36th place.

In the under 20 women, Olivia Meikle had her best run of the season to finish inside the top 10 in 8th place.

Club member Harry Henriksen finished 5th in the u20 men’s race representing Edinburgh University.

Claire Houston was first home for Lasswade in the senior ladies race finishing in 120th with team mate Alison Binns in 239th place.

The final race of the day with the biggest field was the senior men and we had four athletes racing. First home for us was Martin Gore in 255th place with the fast finishing Ken McWilliam in 265th place well ahead of his target. Euan Hood was next to finish in 413th with Doug MacDonald completing our runners in 568th. Lasswade athlete Magnus Tait finished in 78th place running for Glasgow University.

A great days athletics that I hope all athletes, parents and supporters enjoyed.

Congratulations to all the athletes on their performances.

For full results please click here

Thanks to Linden Nicholson for consistently representing Lasswade as an official throughout the season and to all the other volunteers who helped marshal on the day.

BIG thanks to Kate Kitchin for the chocolate cake !!

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1 Week to Go!

Our VMH Solicitors Lasswade 10 Mile Road Race is just under a week away. Entries close midday on Friday 1st March, 2024 but don’t wait until the last minute!

Entry via EntryCentral: https://www.entrycentral.com/Lasswade-Road-Race

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Three weeks to go!

Just three weeks to go until the VMH Solicitors Lasswade 10 Mile Road Race.

Check out the route profile: Yes, there’s a few hills but who likes boring courses? 

Entries: https://www.entrycentral.com/Lasswade-Road-Race

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Well done Sadie!

An amazing achievement from one of younger members… 9 year old Sadie took on the “Run the Month: Marathon Edition” challenge for Prostate Cancer UK. We all know January has probably been one of the windiest on record, but that didn’t stop Sadie going out almost every day to clock up over 27 miles over the course of the month. With an original target to raise £100 for Prostate Cancer UK, Sadie managed to smash that with ease and raised over £1000. Her last run of the month was also 3 minutes faster than her first.

Well done Sadie (and mum).

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