East District Championships 22 &23 May 2015

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The East District Championships took place over the Friday and Saturday 22&23 May 2015. Lasswade had good representation across most track and field events. Represented in no fewer than 29 Events Athletes medalled in 18 of them. Personal Bests are way too many to mention however there were 8 Gold Medals, 8 Silver Medals and 2 Bronze Medals.  Not a bad haul I am sure you will agree !!!


Congratulations to all athletes striving to constantly improve, to Coaches and Parents for seeing the fruits of their labour and finally to all officials particularly those from the Club who have made this a particularly successful event.

Included a breakdown of all  Lasswade performances having trawled all 39 pages of results. I have hopefully captured all of you but would ask you let me know if I have missed someone out.   East district results . docx

Plenty more  photographs available from  http://www.athleticsscotland.com/

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CSSAL 17 May 2015 . Message from Team Manager, David Hand

Central & South of Scotland League Match
Congratulations and a big well done to all those athletes who represented Lasswade A.C. so well at the above match last Sunday, 17th May at East Kilbride.

The weather may have seemed dismal but the team spirit was high and the athletes all rose to the occasion. Thirty-eight of you competed and EVERYONE OF YOU scored invaluable points. ( At the moment we seem to have finished third to Falkirk and Shettleston but this has still to be confirmed.)

Their were lots of fine performances and personal bests but we needed every single point to get the result Although we would generally not single out athletes perhaps a mention of two who personified the spirit of ‘lets get out and score points and be successful’ were club development officer Brian Hood who came out of track retirement to cover the ‘masters events’ and our Danish athlete Sam Talebi who was thrown into his first track/field meeting to cover senior men’s events. Both these athletes handled the challenge whole heartedly and were an inspiration to their colleagues of all ages in the team. The second meeting of this league is on Sunday 28th June at Grangemouth (thank goodness for a stadium under cover) and we look forward to seeing most of you there — and an equally good (or even better) team performance. (See individual performances of ALL athletes posted earlier today)

Lastly a special vote of thanks to all our officials ( they score an additional 100 points for running the meeting and getting cold and wet ) and your age group managers who kept us all right. Thanks for all your efforts,

David Hand. (See you next time.)

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Initial results Forth valley League Match 2

FVL on Facebook have published the overall results from Match 2 . It goes to show what can be done when the club manage to fill all the berths in all the events. Well done and lets see if we can do it in the final match at the end of June at Grangemouth.

Last to first in the space of one meeting.

Results of FVL Meeting on Saturday 16 may 2015
Match 2 Points Division 2

1. Lasswade 318
2= Dunfermline 307
2= Musselburgh 307
4 Central B 301
5 Edinburgh B 283.5
6 Harmeny 239.5


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Lasswade Athletes YDL Manchester

Please find the performances from several Lasswade athletes taking part as part of Team Ediunburgh at the UK YDL in Manchester o n Saturday 16 may 2015. Congrats to all


Lasswade AC Athletes performances for Team Edinburgh

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CSSAL East Kilbride Sunday 17 May 2015

Please find the performances from a really wet and windy East Kilbride. Considering conditions a good effort all round. Thanks to team manager, coaches and club officials for making it happen. As highlighted through facebook there were some gaps particularly in the Seniors (Women)  and Masters (men and Women)  so don’t be shy. Step forward and give your club your best.

CSSAL Match 1 LAC Results

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East Lothian open graded 9 May 2015

At least half a dozen young Lasswade athletes tried their hand at the East Lothain Open Graded today both on the track and in the field. Results to follow but first a couple of early pics for you.

UPDATE : Results are now available either at the facebook page below or through www.activeeastlothian.co.uk


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East District Track & Field Championships – 22 & 23 May 2015

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that entries for this event close on 6 May 2015.

Enter here online

It would be great to a big entry of Lasswade athletes at this event.





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Rachel Jumps for Joy !!!

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Rachel Robertson won silver in long jump and bronze in triple jump at the Scottish University Championships at Grangemouth yesterday.  A fine set of results which sets her up nicely for her trip to Bedford next week for the British University Championships.

Congratulations from all at Lasswade AC and good luck next weekend.

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Livingston Open Graded 22 April 2013

Livingston Open Graded

Only one adult sprinter and one u15 Lasswade AC representative at Livingston AC’s open graded last night. Whilst both ran well it left me thinking why were there not more Lasswade runners, throwers and jumpers ?

These events are fantastic opportunities for our younger athletes to be blooded in some competition. There are children of all standards so they can compete without the pressure of team competition.

Grangemouth have an open graded on 6 May and for the East Lothian a meeting on 9 May. Both are taking entries now. If we want to compete in FVL and YDL leagues these meetings are a good way to prepare them for competition. It also provides performances that allow coaches to make selections for team events.

Come on give them a try.

For last nights results



Brian Hood

Club Development officer

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Grangemouth Open Graded online entry

I have received notification that the open graded meetings at Grangemouth this year are online enty only .

The following has been received and we are advised that a large entry is expected. Numbers will be capped so don’t delay or face disappointment

Please note that entry is online only. Entries via www.online-entries.co.uk , this will take you to Scottish Schools entries page. You will see FCT logo and Grangemouth Stadium’s details below.

As most of you will be aware, last year we were completely bombarded with entries on the night and unfortunately it was not a pleasant experience for coaches, athletes and stadium staff alike.

This is our first time trying it this way and I am sure it will be a vast improvement to the process.

Declarations will be in the ‘wooden gym’, for athletes to collect their numbers. This will be their number for each event on that particular evening.
Please encourage your athletes to enter as soon as possible as all event numbers are capped.

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