****Important Notice**** Thursday Night Training at the Campus, Dalkeith on 18 October 2012

Due to a problem with the floodlights at the Campus we are unable to use the track on Thursday 18 October.  However the Campus have provided us with a hall from 6pm-7.30pm and therefore if you are able to come to training tomorrow please meet indoors at the cafe area in the first instance.


Endurance group  still meet at Bonnyrigg George V Park from 7pm-8.30pm.

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Throws Training – Thursday 11 October 2012

There will be no throws group training tonight at the Campus as Margaret is still unwell.   However throwers are very welcome to join in with other groups if they wish.


Endurance group are now at George V Park, Bonnyrigg from 7 – 8.30pm on Thursdays.

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Endurance Group Thursday Night Training

The Endurance Group training on a Thursday night will be at the King George V Park,  Bonnyrigg from tomorrow 4 October 2012 from 7 – 8.30pm.    All meet at the Pavillion.

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Championship Trophy Returns


2 Weeks ago i emailed all the trophy winners asking them to return there trophies to me no later than Thursday 4th Oct the day before the presentation Disco which was ample time to get them engraved, these trophies ware due to  be handed out to possible other winner, up to now i have had 2 reply’s, I did ask on my email to respond to the email but only a few did this, If you have not had the trophy engraved by now it will be to late now i now need these trophies back asap, it would be very unfair to not have the trophies back for Friday to hand out. and very embarrassing  for all involved,


John Brash

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Club Championship Points & Places Revised

Hi All,

Firstly i must apologize the first points & places were wrong and i apologize to all athletes if there place and points have changed, unfortunately i am not perfect subject to faults human error.

This should be the last change  please do not notice any more faults but if you do email me on jnb70@hotmail.com

Just click the link and follow the pages:  champs Final Points Totals 2012 (2)


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Club Championship Results

Hi All,

I hope this is the last time i need to put these up there has been some amendments done, any more problems email me on jnb70@hotmail.com

Click the link and follow the pages to get results:  LAC Championship Results 2012_Points


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Training Monday 24 September 2012

Please note changes to tonight’s training at the Campus.

Sprint Group with Gordon is on as usual at 6.30pm

Endurance Group with Linda is on and the session will be a steady run!

Induction group is cancelled tonight.

Throwing group with Margaret is cancelled.

John Brash and Dave McConnell will also be there.

If you do come to training tonight please bring suitable clothing and bring something to put your kit in to keep it dry while training.  Can parents come to collect athletes earlier in order that there is no hanging about in the wet.


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Cross Country Season 2012/13

The Cross Country Season is almost upon us with approximately four weeks until the first event which is the East District Cross Country Relays.

This event takes place on 13 October 2012 at Camperdown Park, Dundee.

If you have not competed in the cross country relays before it is for all age groups with the exception of  Under 11. For the boys and girls, each team consists of  one runner from each age group (U13, U15, U17) all running the same course over a distance of 2500m.  (NB: There is NO LIMIT on the number of teams that we can enter) 

The senior women is a team of three female runners and the senior men is a team of four male runners . All run over the same course and distance of 4000m.

Entries close on Saturday 29 September 2012.

This a great opener to the cross country season so if you want to compete then please get in touch with Linda, Kirk or Dave Hand.

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Lasswade AC Club Championships

Run,Jump,Throw at the club championships.

The prizes for the Run,Jump,Throw, competition at the club championship on the 23rd sept 2012 will be awarded at the club presentation  disco on the 5th October at Dalkeith Miners Club, the first 3 in Boy’s and Girls will receive medals every one else who entered the run,jump.throw, will receive a certificate of completion.

the event tickets for this will go on sale very soon at a price of £4 each.

We would be grateful for any raffle prizes which will be drawn at the disco, please hand in any raffle prizes for the disco to john brash at any training night or at the disco itself, please do not hand in these in until  after the club championships on the 23rd sept, the disco is a really good night and a fund raiser for the club all monies from the tickets sales tombola will all go back into the club funds.

I will look forward to seeing you at the championship and hopefully the disco

Many Thanks


John Brash

Lasswade AC

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Club Disco and Presentation Night 2012

This year’s Disco and Presentation Night will be held in Dalkeith Miners Club on Friday 5th October.  The trophies from the Club Championships, and other awards, will be presented at this evening.

All athletes, and family and friends of athletes, are welcome to attend. 

Tickets priced £4 each will be on sale at club training nights from Monday 10th September.  Contact John Brash, Margaret Benham or Gordon Robertson if you would like to purchase tickets.

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