Cross Country Season 23/24

The nights are drawing in. The leaves are turning colour. Birds will be migrating soon. Put all this together and it can only mean one thing – Cross Country is approaching!

For full details on the season please visit our brand new Cross Country Guide & Fixtures page.  This also has links for athletes to declare their availability to the club, who will then submit the entries. Please note each link takes you to the same form, meaning you only have to declare once.

For the meetings on later dates we will canvass interested  parties again, prior to submitting our entry. We will post reminders on social media throughout the season.

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Scottish Athletics Indoor League 2023/2024

Good news & Bad News…

The good news is that ahead of the World Indoor Championships which is being held in March 2024 at the Emirates Arena, the track facilities are undergoing a significant renovation to prolong it’s lifespan and giving us access to World class facilities almost on our door step. Unfortunately, the bad news is that the SAIL Indoor League will not take place this winter, along with many of the indoor open and Championship events.

Scottish Athletics are looking to draw up a Plan ‘B’ for the indoor season so please check that Scottish Athletics website to see what they come up with.

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Club Competition Results

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Club Competition 2023

There was a great buzz around the track on Thursday night as over 80 athletes turned out for the 2023 Club Competition. 

A busy night was in store – entries for all the field events were up on last year’s numbers which goes to show the progress the club has made in the last year especially in the field events.  As an example, last year just 4 under 11s took part in the long jump.  This year, it was by far the most popular event with 17 athletes taking part and they certainly kept the officials busy.  Out of 51 jumps, only one was a no-jump!

17 teams assembled for the final event, the 4x100m with the winning team comprising of Moray, Mia, Nathan and Kieran taking the honours.  There were a few last minute substitutions so a big thank you for the athletes who were coaxed on to the track at short notice.

It goes without saying, this event doesn’t happen without the support of our officials and volunteers who gave up their time to help run this event; the coaches who take great pride seeing their athletes perform and the parents who bring their athletes to the track.  It would be fantastic to see some more athletes progressing to league competition next summer and if they can’t wait until then, at the cross country races which are coming up soon. 

Special mention to Andy Sobik and Susan took the lead in setting up on the day, arriving at the track at 2pm to ensure that everything was ready to go at 5pm for the start of registration.

As well as all the event winners, there were presentations to Alison Chalmers (Welfare Officer) and Andy Sobik who is hanging up his stopwatch and stepping back from coaching. Over the years, Andy has been involved in pretty much every club activity there has been – coach, team manager, committee member, event organiser, handy-man to name but a few.  Fortunately, Andy will still be involved with the committee and other assisting at future club events.  Alison Chalmers, our outgoing Welfare Officer has been involved with the club for over 20 years and hands over to Susan.

Finally, whilst there were many impressive performances on the track, the biggest surprise of the night came from the adjacent football pitch where not a single ball landed on the athletics track!

Track Photos

Field Event Photos

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Photos courtesy of Barry Munro

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Parents/Members Virtual Meeting

Wednesday 6th September, 2023 @ 7pm

A reminder that the Parents/Members Zoom meeting takes place on Wednesday evening (6th Sept 7pm). For newer members, this is a great opportunity to find out more about the club and the leagues we enter to provide our athletes with more competition opportunities.

All members, or parents, to attend a virtual meeting on Sept 6th at 7pm. The meeting will cover:-

– How the cross country season operates
– Provide newer members with an introduction to our Welcome Pack which contains loads of useful club info

Please register on the link below and log in details will be sent nearer the time

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Club Competition….Not long to go!

Not long until our club competition tomorrow night. If you’ve entered and haven’t received an email please get in touch. We’re a couple of athletes short for the relays so if you’ve not registered to run in the relay and would like to help fill a team then please let the officials know at registration.

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Final Call for Club Competition

A reminder that entries close at 5pm tonight for Thursday’s club competition. Over 70 athletes have already entered so it looks like it will be a great night. After 5pm, entries will only be accepted if there are spaces available in the requested events. Please get in touch if you’ve missed the deadline and we will try and accommodate you as we don’t want any of our athletes to miss out.

Club Competition – Thursday 31st August
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Lasswade AC need more help at training to ensure we can continue to give quality and fun sessions. The help needed can be from.

  • Parents, or former athletes, to assist our coaches. No athletics experience is needed as you wil be supported by a qualified coach.
  • Our current qualified coaches looking to gain higher qualifications.

Scottishathletics have now released their Autumn coaching dates. To view these, learn what is involved in each and how to declare your interest please visit our Help at Training and Coaching page

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We invite all members, or parents, to attend a virtual meeting on Sept 6th at 7pm. The meeting will cover.

  • How the cross country season operates
  • Provide newer members with an introduction to our Welcome Pack which contains loads of useful club info

Please register here and log in details will be sent nearer the time

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Club Competition – Thursday 31st August

The Club Competition will be held on Thursday 31st August from 6.00pm till 9.00pm at Dalkeith Campus.

This is open to all members of Lasswade Athletics Club from U9s to U17s and is free to enter.

*** Please complete the online entry form here before Friday 25th August 5pm ***


Under 9s will compete in the 60m, Shot Putt and Standing Long Jump.
Under 11s: 3 events from 75m, 150m, 600m, Shot Putt, Long Jump, Javelin and High Jump
Under 13s to Under 17s: 100m, 200, 800m*, 1500m*, Shot Putt, Long Jump, Javelin and High Jump
* restricted to 800m or 1500m (not both).
Athletes can do 2 track and 1 field event or 1 track and 2 field events.

There will also be mixed relays for Under 11s to Under 17s.

We are hoping that older Athletes will be able to help with officiating and other duties as there will be no training that evening. Any parents/carers who would like to get involved will be very welcome too as it takes a lot of people to run a competition.

If you are available to help please Susan know as soon as possible so that duties can be allocated. We cannot run events like this without the goodwill of our supporters so thank you in advance of a positive response.

Please reply to

Note: Timetable is provisional until the number of entries is known. The running order will remain the same but times may vary. The final timetable will be confirmed once entries close on Friday 25th August 5pm.

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