East Dist Championships 05/12/09

Places and times of all Lasswade athletes at the east dist champs at Livingston on 05/12/09

  • Age Group     Place      Name                            Time
  • U13Girls         36th     Sally Redpath             16:21
  • U13Boys        10th      Jamie Cousin             13:07
  •                      13th      Kyle MacKenzie         14:22
  •                     28th      Ross McEwan             14:45
  •                    31st       Lewis Black                 14.59        Team Place 5th
  • U15 Girls       16th      Amy Frankland         19:47
  •                         17th      Fiona Matheson         19:52
  • U15 Boys      30th      Ross Henderson        18:59
  •                         35th      Callum MacKenzie    20:15
  • U17 Men          1st      Ross Matheson           22:04
  • Sen Men           8th     Niall Sheehan              33:18
  •                         13th     Barney Phillips           34:02
  •                         79th     Andrew Matheson     38:20
  •                       92nd     Martin Gore                  38:54
  •                      110th     Richard Connor          39:54
  •                     143rd      Ben Mitchell                 42:08
Posted in Cross Country | 1 Comment

Inter District Team Selections

Hi All,

Three of Lasswade AC cross country athletes have been selected

to represent the East Dist Cross Country Team at the Inter District

Championships at Holyrood Park on the 9th Jan 2010,

This is part of the Bupa Great Edinburgh International Cross Country meeting

The Selected Lasswade athletes are

U13 Boys:  Jamie Cousin

U17 Men:   Ross Matheson

Sen Men:    Niall Sheehan

I would like to wish all three athletes good luck in there races


Lasswade AC

Posted in Cross Country, News and Info | 2 Comments