U13 Girls Superteams

The club's U13 Girls' team gave a good account of themselves today at the Scottish Superteams competition at Scotstoun Stadium, Glasgow. 

In the first event of the day, the 100m, all four girls ran new PB times.  Beth Murray (15.42s), Rachel Louden (15.82s), Lisa Robertson (15.94s) and Rachel Hutchison (16.10s).  More PBs were to follow in the long jump for Beth (3.82m), and Rachel Hutchison (3.16m), while Lisa jumped 3.57m and Rachel Louden 3.31m.

The third event (Shot Put) saw all four girls register PBs again, as Beth threw 4.53m, Rachel Louden 4.06m, Rachel Hutchison 3.87m and Lisa 3.73m.

The girls rounded of a fine day's work by running very well in a tough medley relay (2 x100m, 1 x 200m & 1x 800m), finishing fifth.

The team all performed well on the day, produced new PB performances, and gained valuable experience.  Considering they were the youngest and smallest team in the competition, they did very well, and will all be eligible for next year's competition.

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