Run, Jump, Throw

BOOK NOW | Calling all future track and field stars! Get ready to Run, Jump & Throw in this introduction to athletics at Danderhall Community Hub on 6 January 2025.

Book by calling any leisure centre or go online (search for run, jump, throw in courses):

We’ve been working with Midlothian Council to get Run, Jump, Throw back in Midlothian for Primary School aged kids. Initially launching in Danderhall, we hope that this will be rolled out to other parts of Midlothian in the future. There will be a clear pathway established for the kids to progress to Lasswade AC at a suitable stage of their development and when we have the space.

The Midlothian Council Sports Development team will be mentored by coaches at Lasswade AC and we hope to see them getting involved with the sessions at the club too.

Spaces are limited and are already filling up, especially in the P4 to P7 age group.

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